Incoming Students Checklist

Checklist for incoming students. Please complete the following tasks prior to your arrival on campus or during your first week at VT.
- During the application process you were given a 9 digit ID number. You will use this number to create a VT user ID (formerly called a PID)
- Your user VT user ID is your electronic record and is used for everything including registering for classes, checking your email, participating in classes, etc.
- Please be sure to choose your Virginia Tech User ID appropriately, because this identifier will be visible as your electronic identity to professors, potential employers, and others.
- You can create your user ID here.
- Once you have generated your VT user ID, please email your user ID to the Neuroscience program director:
- Virginia Tech uses Duo Security to ask individuals for a secondary confirmation of their identity at log-in, using a physical device in their possession. The device may be a smartphone or tablet using an app, a text message to a phone, or an automated voice call to landline or cell phones.
- 2-Factor Authentication is mandatory for all students, faculty, and staff at Virginia Tech. You will need to set this up to access email, payroll, etc.
- Please visit this site to set up 2-factor authentication.
After generating your VT ID, log into HokieSpa. Under Hokie Team section complete payroll forms.
As a full time graduate student, you are eligible for student subsidized health insurance. For the 2019-20 academic year the Board of Visitors approved a health insurance subsidy rate of 88% for graduate assistants, meaning insurance cost for a an individual in ~ $28 dollars per pay period. To find out more about health insurance for graduate students and to enroll please visit the site here.
- The program director will register you for all courses your first semester prior to you arrival on campus.
- Please direct any questions to the program director at
Parking at VT is convenient and affordable. To learn about on campus parking options please visit the parking and transportation site.
VT is a pedestrian and bike friendly town. Many of our students and faculty walk or bike to work. If you prefer the convenience of public transportation, VT has a great public bus transportation system called Blacksburg transit that is free for students. Information regarding bus services and transportation can be found here.
There are many resources for student housing, including on campus and off campus, single and family housing. Please visit this link provided by the graduate school here to look into these options.
Useful resources for international students can be found on the VT graduate school web site.
Hokie Mobile is the official iPhone app for Virginia Tech news, information, and online services. This app is super useful for finding your way around campus, including the acronyms for and location of each building. Public information such as events, news, campus maps, and directory searches are available to anyone. Virginia Tech students, faculty, staff, and alumni can use their Virginia Tech PID to login and securely access personal information such as course schedules and account balances.
For iOS search the App Store and Android search Google Play
Graduate Program Director
Dr. Alicia Pickrell
Associate Professor
Life Sciences I | 970 Washington St.
Blacksburg, VA 24061
VT Graduate School
Graduate Program Coordinator
Alexandra Sheffield
Sandy Hall Admin Suite | 210 Drillfield Dr.
Blacksburg, VA 24061