
Emily Vedder,
Assistant Director of Academic Advising

Haley Tucker,
Academic Advisor

Caitlin Cook,
Academic Advisor
1. Students wishing to change their primary major to Neuroscience must first meet with an advisor before applying for the major change on HokieSpa.
2. The Progress Towards Degree Contract must be completed and emailed directly to your advisor, or to
*Please note: We have limited availability for Explore School of Neuroscience appointments during busy times like Course Request and the beginning of Add/Drop periods. Please plan accordingly.
Please complete the Change of Secondary Major Form and Progress Towards Degree Contract, and submit to an advisor or It is encouraged to meet with an advisor before adding Neuroscience as a second major.
College of Science Forms
- Authorization to Take Courses Elsewhere
- Change of Secondary Major/Minor Form
- Course Withdrawal
- Overhours
- Undergraduate Research/Independent Study
Neuroscience Forms
- Progress Towards Degree
- Field Study Credit Request Form
- School of Neuroscience Request for Exception to Policy
Academic Relief Forms
Please refer to the University Academic Calender for more information on deadlines
Advising Survey
Please complete this academic advising feedback survey. Your responses are ANONYMOUS and will be used to improve our advising team.
Student Responsibility
Student shares the responsibility for developing an advising partnership with the advisor. Over time, the partnership results in increased responsibility for the student. The student will:
- Communicating goals, needs, wants, and concerns to the advisor in a respectful and sincere manner;
- Keeping abreast of their own academic progress and requirements related to their academic program;
- Making, keeping, and being prepared for appointments with advisor;
- Informing the advisor of changes in plans and/or circumstances that might impact academic performance;
- Knowing departmental procedures for changing advisors; and
- Bringing concerns regarding quality of advising to the attention of the advisor
Advisor Responsibility
The advisor shares the responsibility for developing an advising partnership with undergraduate students. This is achieved through the advisor:
- Communicating with students and delivering individualized and accurate information in professional sincere manner;
- Being informed of, and providing accurate information about current academic policies and procedures;
- Keeping appointments and being available for assistance;
- Providing appropriate referrals, contacts, and information;
- Doing appropriate follow-up with students; and
- Seeking out and taking advantage of opportunities for professional development
Students in the School of Neuroscience program receive personalized advising. We work with students from orientation to graduation. Our mission is to work with students to create personalized educational plans that are compatible with their interests, career, and life goals. We follow the University’s Advising Philosophy and advising guidelines.