Preclinical Target Refinement of Novel Non- Opioid Therapeutics for Chronic Pain States

School of Neuroscience Faculty Recruitment Seminar presents:
Ann Gregus, Ph.D. Research Scientist, Virgnia Tech
Preclinical Target Refinement of Novel Non-Opioid Therapeutics for Chronic Pain States
- Wednesday, January 22, 2020
- 12:00 pm – 1:00pm
- Fralin Auditorium
Pain is the primary motivation for seeking medical care, affecting approximately 40% of the US population and resulting in an economic burden exceeding that of cancer, diabetes and heart disease combined. Chronic pain syndromes with neuropathic components are extremely challenging to manage as they are refractory to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and inadequately relieved by the current nonopioid therapeutics. Given the failure rate of drug candidates for pain indications, there is a critical need for increased rigor in preclinical testing for target identification and validation. Thus, my fundamental research objective is to discover novel molecular targets driving pain chronification and to translate druggable targets into novel candidate nonopioid therapeutics. Toward this goal, I employ a multi-omic approach utilizing advanced mass spectrometry techniques for target discovery, high-throughput receptor screening for ligand deorphanization and in vitro/in vivo bioassays to optimize this process.
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