School of Neuroscience Spring 2020 NEUR4994 Research Exhibit

SoN Spring 2020 NEUR4994 Research Exhibit featuring Undergraduate Research in Neuroscience is now presented at the 2020 Dennis Dean Undergraduate Research and Creative Scholarship Conference
Presentation Submission Instructions
Deadline: April 22 at 9am
Before you can submit, you must create a 5-minute or less video presentation for the conference. See information on how to create your video presentation.
Now that you have created your video you need to upload it to the conference site.
Step 1: Join the Conference Canvas site
Self-enroll in the conference Canvas site at:
NOTE: Only addresses will be accepted. You cannot enroll using an alias email address.
Non-VT presenters will not be required to self-enroll. You will be pre-added to the site.
If you have any issues gaining access to the Canvas site please contact Keri Swaby (email:
Step 2: Share your presentation with the conference
1. Go to My Media in any Canvas course.
2. Click the pencil/edit icon.
3. On the Edit page, click Actions > +Publish.
4. This will bring up a list of all courses you have access to under the Heading Publish in Gallery.
5. Click the button beside 2020 Dennis Dean Undergraduate Research and Creative Scholarship Conference (this may show up as the abbreviated course name Symposium).
6. Hit Save.
7. You have successfully shared your presentation. We will now organize presentations by disciplines and prepare the 2020 Dennis Dean Undergraduate Research and Creative Scholarship Conference Canvas site for the conference on April 24.
You must complete Steps 1 and 2 before April 22 at 9am
Step 3: Attend the Conference
The conference will be active on the Canvas site 2020 Dennis Dean Undergraduate Research and Creative Scholarship Conference between 10am and 3pm on April 24. The presentations will be organized by discipline and listed by primary presenter last name.
During the conference time you are expected to:
1. Check the discussion thread on your Page periodically throughout the day (between 10am and 3pm) and respond to any posted comments and questions.
2. "Attend" at least three (3) presentations of your colleagues and submit comments/questions during the conference hours.
Invite your faculty, friends and other members of the VT community to attend this exciting day! They can self-enroll in the conference site at to participate on April 24.