The School of Neuroscience promotes inclusion and diversity as the highest values for our community

The School of Neuroscience feels strongly that inclusion and diversity are values that we promote and hold in the highest regards. With the current state of affairs facing our country, we feel it necessary to show our support for the fight for justice and equitability for everyone. First and foremost, the School of Neuroscience supports freedom of speech and values the opinions and thoughts of everyone. Our program adamantly declares that we do not tolerate acts of racial misconduct and condemn inappropriate behavior!
The School of Neuroscience family is saddened by the acts of racism and hatred that have been exhibited these past several days. This is a blatant and disappointing reminder that racism and hatred have been an underpinning theme for far too long in our country. The amount of pain in the Black community is unimaginable, especially as these acts of violence are occurring during a global pandemic that is disproportionately affecting them.
The School of Neuroscience family stands with the Black community and all underrepresented groups and identities that have suffered and continue to suffer from the long history of injustice in our society. We are advocates for promoting positive attitudes towards inclusion and diversity while ensuring that everyone in our program is treated fairly with dignity and respect. This is the embodiment of Virginia Tech’s motto, Ut Prosim (That I May Serve).
Our program recognizes the importance of encouraging inclusion and diversity, which is reflected in the content of our courses, teaching methods, and research practices. The welfare of everyone in our program is our top priority. We welcome your input as we move forward in creating a protected, fair, and empathetic community for everyone now and in the future.
The School of Neuroscience supports the statement released by VT President Sands and Vice President Pratt-Clarke, calling on us all to “construct a microcosm of the society in which we wish to live.” We reiterate their list of resources for those in the Virginia Tech community in need of support:
- Cook Counseling Center at 540-231-6557.
- Dean of Students Office at 540-231-3787. Referral to a campus cleric may be made through this office.
- Employee Assistance Program
- Anthem at 855-223-9277
- Aetna at 888-238-6232
- Kaiser Permanente at 866-517-7042
- Optima Health Vantage HMO at 866-846-2682
- Hokie Wellness at 540-231-2233 (students) or 540-231-8878 (employees)
- InclusiveVT at 540-231-7500
- Office of Housing and Residence Life at 540-231-6205
- Women’s Center at Virginia Tech at 540-231-7806