Pioneer of ‘mind-reading’ AI to open Maury Strauss Distinguished Public Lecture series in Roanoke

Once the fodder of science fiction, mind-reading artificial intelligence (AI) is no longer far-fetched – it’s already here. And researchers like Virginia Tech’s very own Read Montague have spent decades building it.
“What started as a backwater movement in the ’80s is now a revolution with untold potential,” said Montague, the Virginia Tech Carilion Vernon Mountcastle Research Professor and director of the Center for Human Neuroscience Research at the Fralin Biomedical Research Institute at VTC.
Montague is among the world’s top neuroscientists who have long deployed machine learning tools to decode and predict complex human behaviors and neural signaling that support them.
Now he's lifting the lid on what he’s learned over 30 years as a frontrunner in computational psychiatry neuroscience. He will explore the history of machine learning in neuroscience and his research in his talk, “Machine Learning and Human Thought,” at 5:30 p.m. Sept. 28 at the research institute.