Student Research Training Checklist
EHS Training (online, automatic verification)
There are eight required EHS-Related Training for Virginia Tech School of Neuroscience Research Students that can be taken online. A passing grade is required (indicated by a Green Check). Follow to the link below and go to “View Training Profile” – click Register to take a class.
- Compressed Gas Cylinder Safety (under Compressed Gas Cylinders)
- Dry Ice Shipping (under Dry Ice)
- General Lab Safety (under Chemical Safety)
- Safe Autoclave Use and Verification (under Biological Safety)
- Introduction to Biological Safety Cabinets (under Biological Safety)
- Laboratory Hazardous Waste (under Biological Safety)
- Biosafety for research labs (under Biological Safety)
- Personal Protective Equipment Awareness (under Personal Protective Equipment)
- Portable Fire Extinguishers (under Fire and Life Safety)
Self-verify completion of training at the following link:

Example document – access yours via
IACUC Training
There are four required IACUC-Related Training for Virginia Tech School of Neuroscience Research Students. Two of these training modules have an online test, and you must receive a passing grade. (***signup with VT email address and MUST COMPLETE ALL 4 training modules ***)
- Core and Refresher IACUC Training (New Users)
- Virginia Tech Specific IACUC Training
- Occupational Health and Safety Training
Note: Indicate potential work with Rats/Mice, Birds, Fish
4. EHSS questionnaire
Note: This survey is confidential
Verify completion of training at the following link, and save a copy of verification as a PDF (Name – IACUC.pdf)
- Note: IACUC and Laser Safety Trainings will be handled by PI's.
Example document – access yours via
Example document – access yours via

Title IX Training
Title IX training (online via Everfi)
All students participating in undergraduate research within the School of Neuroscience are required to participate in Title IX training prior to starting in person research in the laboratory. Please contact the Virginia Tech Office of Equity and Accessibility Training email ( to request access to the EverFi online modules for Title IX training. You will receive notification you have been added to the course and can take a screen shot for verification.
Responsible Conduct in Research Training (RCR Training)
All students participating in undergraduate research within the School of Neuroscience are required to participate in responsible conduct in research training. This online training module is taken through the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI Program). To access this training module, please follow the instructions below
CITI Instructions:
To access the Basic Responsible Conduct of Research Course you will have to:
• Login to CITI with your Virginia Tech credentials
• Scroll down to the “Learner Tools for Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University
(Virginia Tech)” section and click “Add a Course”
• Scroll down to “Question 4” (Responsible Conduct of Research)
• Select the “Basic Responsible Conduct of Research Course”
• Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click “submit”
• Click “start now” under the “Basic Responsible Conduct of Research Course” to open the course.
• Scroll down to the “Research Misconduct (RCR-Basic) (ID 16604)” module and click “start”
Laser Safety Training (See note below)
Please note: If your research mentor has indicated that during your research activities you will be performing imaging studies, including confocal microscopy- you are required to participate in Laser Safety Training
These EHS training sessions require in-person participation – and many of these classes may not have immediate openings so make sure to plan in advance.
- Laser Safety
Self-verify completion of training at the following link:
- Note: IACUC and Laser Safety Trainings will be handled by PI's.