Daniel English
- Ph.D. in Neuroscience, Rutgers University

Life Sciences I, Room 125
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Dr. English joined the Virginia Tech School of Neuroscience in August 2018. His research focuses on developing and utilizing electrophysiological and optogenetic methods to monitor and manipulate the activity of neural circuits in behaving animals, in order to better understand their physiological function.
My research is focused on the physiology of neural circuits in the hippocampus. I investigate how synaptic interactions between neurons produces spiking activity which reliably represents features of the external world. Specifically, I study how interactions between excitatory and inhibitory neurons in the CA1 region of the hippocampus generate representations of space and spatial features of the external world, and enable spatial learning, including learning environmental locations associated with reinforcing stimuli (rewards). My work is performed in vivo, in behaving mice, and involves developing and utilizing electro- and opto- physiological monitoring and manipulation of defined neural populations.
Prospective students or postdocs should contact Dr. English at neurodan83@vt.edu
See more about Dr. English research at English Lab
Selected Publications
- Mendrela, AE, Kim K, English DF, McKenzie S, Seymour JP, Buzsaki G, Yoon E. A High-Resolution Opto-Electrophysiology System With a Miniature Integrated Headstage. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, 2018, Issue 99. DOI: 10.1109/TBCAS.2018.2852267
- Ladenbauer J, McKenzie S, English DF, Hagens O, Ostojic S. Inferring and validating mechanistic models of neural microcircuits based on spike-train data bioRxiv 261016; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/261016
- Kampasi K, English DF, Seymour J, Stark E, McKenzie S, Mihály Vöröslakos, Wise K, Buzsaki G, Yoon E. Dual color optogenetic control of neural populations using low-noise, multishank optoelectrodes Microsystems & Nanoengineering volume 4, Article number: 10 (2018)
- English DF, McKenzie S, Evans T, Kim K, Yoon E, Buzsáki G. Pyramidal Cell-Interneuron Circuit Architecture and Dynamics in Hippocampal Networks. Neuron. 2017 Oct 11;96(2):505-520.e7. PMID: 29024669.
- Kim K, English D, McKenzie S, Wu F, Stark E, Seymour J, Ku P-C, Wise K, Buzsaki G, Yoon E. GaN-on-Si μLED optoelectrodes for high-spatiotemporal-accuracy optogenetics in freely behaving animals. IEEE; Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM), 2016 IEEE International. 26.5. 1-26.5. 4. 2016
- English DF, Peyrache A, Stark E, Roux L, Vallentin D, Long MA, Buzsaki G. Excitation and inhibition compete to control spiking during hippocampal ripples: Intracellular study in behaving mice. J Neurosci. 2014 Dec 3;34(49):16509-17. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2600-14.2014. PMID: 25471587
- English DF, Ibanez-Sandoval I, Stark E, Tecuapetla F, Deisseroth K, Buzsaki G, Tepper JM, Koos T. GABAergic circuits mediate the reinforcement-related signals of striatal cholinergic interneurons. Nat. Neurosci. 2011, Dec. 11. doi: 10.1038/nn.2984 PMID:22158514
- Tecuapetla F, Patel JC, Xenias H, English DF, Tadros I, Shah F, Berlin J, Deisseroth K, Rice ME, Tepper JM, Koos T. Glutamatergic signaling by mesolimbic dopamine neurons in the nucleus accumbens. J Neurosci. 2010 May 19;30(20):7105-10.
To see more Dr. English's publications, please check PubMed
English Research Lab